Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best Earn From Home, Educational Website ISC

There are billions and billions of websites on education in the web. But what most matters is getting relevant and accurate information when it is needed.

Today my pick is India Study (known as ISC)

As the website claims it provides reliable and comprehensive information on educational institutions, examinations, education system, exam results, entrance examinations, previous year’s university question papers etc.

It’s the site by the students for the students. Yes! Here most of the resources are submitted by students itself. Who else can understand and serve student’s needs better than students themselves? isn't it !

ISC has a huge number of members which includes students, teachers, faculty, academicians and people from alumni. All these people are great sources of academic resources.

You will get up-to-date news, articles/knowledge Sharing, academic projects, information regarding courses, colleges, university, examination, exam results, previous year question papers, model papers etc. There is an option to take online mock tests for many popular competitive examinations like Aptitude Questions, General Aptitude Tests, Medical Entrance, Engineering Entrance, Bank Tests, TOEFL & IELTS Questions

ISC also contains a huge database of colleges, course details, contact details, fee structure etc. Once again all these information is posted by the students about there colleges. So you will get an insider opinion about any college.

One more feature of ISC that made this site more popular is it’s rewards program. If anyone posts an article, submit any link, write a blog entry, answer a education related question in Yahoo, refer a friend to become a member, they will get paid for their efforts. They call it as Payment programs. So what are you waiting for, hurry up! Join Now and make money by submitting useful resources to student community.

It just won’t stop here. Wherever there are students there will be lot of adrenalin flowing with lot of josh, fun and entertainment. ISC is not an exception to that. There is a section for entertainment where you can post jokes, photos, videos, movie reviews etc.

So visit the site and make use of it’s resources. If you know any other educational sites please leave the link in comment section.